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Management of healthcare systems and services

Multi-Country, 2024-2025 A team of experts coordinated by EHESP-I has been commissioned by AFD to develop a MOOC training course on hospital management. It aims to: •provide learners with insight on the specificities of the hospital sector and its main challenges and tools; •capitalise on and share relevant hospital case studies (from the French hospital … Read more

Lebanon, 2024 In support of the Hôtel-Dieu de France Hospital (Beirut), this training project aims to strengthen the skills of hospital managers in charge of the various facilities of Hotel-Dieu’s healthcare network. The programme is co-financed by the French Embassy and developed in partnership with the APHM (Marseille University Hospital). Specific objectives include understanding the … Read more

Kazakhstan, 2024 Kazakhstan has recently introduced a national health insurance system, considerably improving access to healthcare for the population, and is now aiming for universal health coverage. EHESP-International has organised a workshop on healthcare financing for Kazakhstan’s National Health Insurance Fund in June 2024. Funded by the French Embassy and supported by Expertise France in … Read more

Democratic Republic of Congo, 2024 Advisory services EHESP-International is supporting the General Health Inspectorate (IGS) and the School of Public Health (ESP) of the University of Kinshasa to develop a project to create a health inspection training programme in DRC. The project, funded by the French Embassy in Kinshasa, will involve: -An exploratory visit by … Read more

Côte d’Ivoire, 2016-2018 Non-degree training AFD approached Expertise France to develop a capacity-building project in hospital management and health inspection in Côte d’Ivoire. EHESP was involved in 2 components: “Inspection” and “Hospital reform”. Between December 2016 and December 2018, EHESP provided training for hospital managers and health inspectors.

Ministry of Europe and Forseign Affairs (France), 2023-2024 Advisory assignment The French embassies in Lao PDR, Cambodia and Vietnam are supporting the implementation of health strategies in the 3 countries, and would like to make a joint contribution to strengthening hospital management training. They approached EHESP-International, given our expertise in hospital management training and long-standing … Read more

Algeria, 2021-2023 Mission to strenghten training systems, non-degree training The collaboration between EHESP and the Ecole Nationale de Management et de l’Administration de la Santé (ENMAS) in Algiers is part of a skills transfer program funded by the French embassy in Algiers. EHESP is training trainers in health management and innovative teaching methods, supporting the … Read more

Benin, 2022-2023 Non-degree training As part of a program to overhaul the governance of its public hospitals, the Benin Ministry of Health has asked EHESP to become an academic partner in the training of its future hospital managers. Under the pedagogical coordination of the University of Abomey-Calavi, EHESP has teamed up with the Institut Régional … Read more

Lebanon, 2021-2023 Non-diploma training mission Assessment of management training needs, development and implementation of a training plan for management teams at the Quarantaine hospital in Lebanon, in partnership with the Ecole Supérieure des Affaires (ESA), with AFD funding.

China, 2019-2023 Non-diploma training mission AFD, in partnership with the World Bank, supported the Chinese government in the implementation of a program to manage the aging population in Guizhou Province led by the province’s Department of Civil Affairs (DoCA). Under the auspices of Expertise France, EHESP provided training for managers of residential care facilities for … Read more