Home > Conferences and events > December 21st 2023 – EHESP – International’s launch event and round tables

December 21st 2023 – EHESP – International’s launch event and round tables

Conferences and events
December 21st 2023 – EHESP – International’s launch event and round tables

This first event organised by EHESP-International brought together academic staff and guests to discuss a number of key issues relating to our projects.

After networking over a Afro-Caribbean buffet, participants attended several conferences and round tables:

  • Presentation of EHESP-International and its first projects – M. KERNEC (Director of EHESP-International)
  • Round table “The challenges surrounding health products at an international level” – Dr A.de la VOLPILIERE (DGA ANSM), Dr P. LEGONIDEC (former Head of Omedit Ile-de-France) and Dr J-P. NABOULET (EHESP Lecturer)
  • Round table “From research to impact in environmental health” – Pr J-F. GUEGAN (Director of Research INRAE), A. ROUE LE GALL (EHESP Lecturer) and F. BODEAU IVINEC (EHESP Lecturer)
  • The changing role of hospitals in response to new public health issues – Dr A. LE GAGNE (EHESP Lecturer)

You can watch a replay of the presentations below: