Home > Project launches and milestones > 19th-21st December 2023 – Facilitation of an international workshop to harmonize Masters in Public Health in 6 Central African countries

19th-21st December 2023 – Facilitation of an international workshop to harmonize Masters in Public Health in 6 Central African countries

Project launches and milestones
19th-21st December 2023 – Facilitation of an international workshop to harmonize Masters in Public Health in 6 Central African countries

As part of a project to strengthen public health training in Central Africa (led by CIESPAC with AFD/Expertise France funding), EHESP-International is supporting the implementation of a harmonized Master’s program in public health for Cameroon, the Republic of Congo, Gabon, the Central African Republic, Equatorial Guinea and Chad (the 6 CEMAC countries). The aim is to improve international recognition of diplomas, give students and academic staff access to international mobility, and encourage universities to work together to build on each other’s specialties and expertise.

Following several remote workshops, the focal points representing the main universities in the zone met in Yaoundé from December 19 to 21, 2023 to structure the future harmonized Master’s degree training framework. The work was co-hosted by CIESPAC and the EHESP-I team (Eric Breton (professor in public health), Maïwen Ridard-Cacheux (pedagogy expert) and Martin Bévalot (public health expert)).

The workshop was inaugurated in the presence of several ministers and senior officials representing member states and the CEMAC Commission, attesting to the strategic importance of the project.