Home > Project launches and milestones > 26 October 2023: Kick-off meeting for a project on academic harmonization in public health in Central Africa

26 October 2023: Kick-off meeting for a project on academic harmonization in public health in Central Africa

Project launches and milestones
26 October 2023: Kick-off meeting for a project on academic harmonization in public health in Central Africa

As part of the CIESPAC support project financed by AFD and piloted by Expertise France, EHESP-International has been commissioned to co-facilitate a project to harmonize the Master 1 in Public Health curricula of the six countries in the CEMAC zone (Cameroon, Gabon, Chad, Equatorial Guinea, Central African Republic and Republic of Congo). On October 26, CIESPAC, Expertise France and EHESP-International held a videoconference meeting to launch this technical assistance project.